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Council takes action ot protect transportation funding

By Sara QuamThe Luverne City Council voted Tuesday to support a wording change on a statewide ballot issue.Minnesota voters will have the chance to vote on a constitutional amendment that will dictate where motor vehicle sales tax revenues are spent.Currently, they go to the general fund. Wording of the new ballot issue is what the council voted to support changing because, if passed, it could mean metro transit and freeway projects get more of the tax than outstate road projects.The current wording of the amendment says that up to 60 percent of the sales tax could go to highway funding, and guarantees 40 percent for transit.Mayor Andy Steensma said, "Up to 60 percent could mean 1 percent. If we’re not guaranteed 60 percent, we’re not guaranteed anything."The city of Luverne supports the wording be changed to guarantee 60 percent of the motor vehicle sales tax for highway funding.Then 40 percent would be left for other transit projects.More lobbying fundsThe council unanimously voted Tuesday to increase its annual contribution to the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities by $559.The city previously paid $8,577.The Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities lost $110,000 after St. Cloud didn’t renew its membership and is asking cities to pitch in to keep the existing services.The Coalition provides information to cities and looks out for smaller town and outstate interests as a lobbying firm.City Administrator John Call said, "This is a vote of appreciation for past lobbying they’ve done. They’re a strong voice for greater Minnesota and we’re a long way from the Capitol."

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