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Council accepts Leendert's resignation

By Jolene FarleyThe Hills City Council accepted the resignation of City Councilman Arlen Leenderts at a Tuesday meeting. Leenderts handed city clerk Connie Wiertzema a handwritten letter stating his intentions to resign after June’s council meeting. "As of June 30 I resign from city council and EDA (Economic Development Authority)," Leenderts wrote. "Because of vacation and ballgames this fall I won’t be able to make hardly any more meetings. So, for the good of the city, they need somebody that will be there all the time." A notice will be published asking for volunteers to fill Leenderts’ seat until the election in November, according to city clerk Connie Wiertzema. "We can appoint someone for his position until the election," she said. The person appointed by the council would fill Leenderts seat until his term expires at the end of the year. Council member Dana Dahlquist’s and Mayor Jim Jellema’s terms also end this year.

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