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Offer more than 'thoughts and prayers' ... Support Carson's Cause

Mavis Fodness
Mavis Fodness, reporter

I have a good friend and co-worker who’s hurting.
You’d never know there’s something wrong or amiss about Lori as she continues to handle editor duties without missing an issue.
Except I see the occasional cracks in her strong facade and the forced smiles of someone who’s grieving.
It breaks my heart because I wish I could do more to ease her pain.
When Lori decided to take a little time off this summer to focus her energies into “Carson’s Cause,” I couldn’t be more supportive and even more proud of her decision.
The loss of a 21-year-old son to suicide would have meant crippling grief for many people. Lori’s response has been the opposite. She’s channeling her grief into advocating for better brain health, and I want to be right there for her.
In the last eight months, she’s used her writing talent to educate us about gaps in mental health care, has stepped up into a public speaking role and formed the non-profit “Carson’s Cause” with monetary gifts that flowed in after Carson’s death in September 2021.
“Carson’s Cause” is helping our schools reframe the dialogue around brain health and teaching students that seeing a counselor is no different from going to the dentist.
Her advocacy highlights the struggle of her youngest son and others like him.
This weekend I spent three days with my youngest son.
We completed a 5k challenge trail featuring 16 mud obstacles to crawl over, through, or under.
As I came to the last series of obstacles, Adam, who had already finished, came back on the course to accompany my finish.
He then spent Sunday at a horse show.
In reversed roles he supported me as I was the one in the saddle, after a decade of me watching him do the same.
In a few months he’s leaving to start a new career in California.
In his 25 years, California will be the farthest he’s ever lived away from home, and it brings tears to my eyes.
However, these tears of mine are not forever  ̶  and very different from Lori’s loss.
I know Adam will still be that cheerleader from afar, as I know Carson is cheering his mother as an angel in heaven. In return, I’ll be Lori’s cheerleader here on earth, with my thoughts and prayers and with active support.
The June 3 “Buffalo Days Run 4A Cause,” is a fundraiser for Carson’s Cause to support community brain health. Participants can show their support by walking, riding or running, and their registrations and T-shirt purchases benefit the cause.
Let’s join Lori and support the cause … and show our youngest sons that we care about them and their brain health.

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