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Don't judge a person by how he sings in the men's room

For What It's Worth
Lead Summary
Rick Peterson, general manager

I seem to have a knack for finding myself in awkward situations from time to time, and it happened last week while watching our grandson play basketball with the Redwood team in Pipestone.
Shortly before tip-off, I made a pit stop in the men’s room, and an older gentleman entered the bathroom shortly after I did.
We’re staring at the wall ahead of us doing our business and — here’s the odd part — the guy starts to sing.
Without moving my head, my eyes shifted to the left to see who was singing to the urinal. The tune he was singing didn’t ring a bell and I wasn’t about to ask him what it was.
After washing my hands and activating the hand air drier, the bathroom soloist took the opportunity of the noisy hand drier to turn up his vocal volume.
Back at the gym, I filled Mary in on the bathroom singer and how weird that was.
It was game time and before the announcing of the players, it was time for the national anthem.
The announcer introduced the older gentleman that was going to sing the anthem and that is when I realized it was the bathroom singer.
I nudged Mary and said, “That’s the guy from the bathroom.” I didn’t catch his name but when the bathroom singer started singing the national anthem, he did so beautifully.
His rendition of the anthem was so respectful to the song, it was one of the best versions I have ever heard.
It just goes to show you, you shouldn’t judge a person by how he sings in the men’s room but by how he sings the national anthem.

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