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1954: Interstate, NSP power line started

Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann

An 11-man crew arrived here this week to begin the construction of 84 miles of 161,000 KV transmission line for Northern States Power Company and Interstate Power Company.
The new line will serve as a connecting link between the two utilities lines, for standby service.
It will extend from a point north of Sioux Falls to Heron Lake.
According to L. W. Walentine, Lincoln, Nebr., superintendent of the project, the contract calls for completion of the line by August 31. The companies are furnishing their own materials. Construction will be done by Commonwealth Electric, Lincoln, and A. S. Schulman Electric, of Chicago.
Weather is Factor
The size of the crew will be determined by the weather, said Mr. Walentine. It will vary from its present size to possibly 40 men.
If there isn’t any more snow, there is a possibility that setting of the poles will begin as soon as the materials have been delivered to the grounds where the lines will be built.
There will be an average of seven “structures” per mile, Mr. Walentine said. A “structure” is an “H” type arrangement of two poles and a cross arm. The poles range from 55 to 85 feet in height.
For the most part, Luverne will be the headquarters for the working crew, Mr. Walentine stated. Materials have been unloaded at Magnolia and Beaver Creek in Rock county, and in other towns along the route. The Interstate portion, between Beaver Creek and Heron Lake, will be built first; that owned by Northern States leading from Beaver Creek to Sioux Falls last, according to present plans.
The contract calls for the use of union labor on the job, according to Mr. Walentine.
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