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1905: 'Farmers' Day planned

Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on Feb. 3, 1905.
Day for Farmers
Important Meeting at Luverne Feb. 11
Three Sessions to be Held
Four Speakers from State Institutions Will Discuss Questions of Interest to Farmers and Stock Breeders—Interesting Program Prepared for the Occasion
All arrangements for the “Farmers’ Day” which, as announced in these columns last week, is to be held in this city under the auspices of the State Farmers’ club on Friday, February 17, have been completed and the assignment of speakers and their topics has been made. The speakers and the subjects on which they will address the meeting are as follows: L. B. Bassett, foreman of the State Experiment Station, on “Rotation of Crops,” E. K. Slater, member of the State Dairy commission, on “Dairying on the Grain Farm,” D. A. Gaunmitz, professor in Animal Industry at the State Agricultural school, on “The Profitable Hogs,” A. K. Bush, who is a former institute lecturer, on “Silo and Corn as Forage Crops.” In addition to the above the following local speakers will give short addresses; C. E. Older, on “Managing Farm Horses;” L. C. Hodgson, on “Rock County Breeders’ Association; “S. B. Nelson, on “Commercial Interests.” The meetings will be held in the Opera house and will be divided into three sessions, the first being at 10 o’clock a.m., the second at 1:30 p.m., and the evening session at 7:30. The committee in charge of the affair is now busy making arrangements for a musical program to be given at each session.
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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