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1902: Skeletons, relics found near Kanaranzi hill

Bits By Betty
Lead Summary
Betty Mann, president, Rock County Historical Society

The following appeared in The Rock County Herald on June 13, 1902.
Relic hunters have been busy the past week unearthing Indian skeletons which were discovered by a road crew engaged in excavating a road through Kanaranzi hill, about two miles north of town, says the Rock Rapids Review. “The skeletons found are similar to those found in the mounds on the Sioux river in the west part of the county, save for the fact that their condition would indicate that they have been longer in the ground than have those on the Sioux. Another difference is that in the instance of the remains found no beads or other relics with the skeletons, while these are almost invariably found in the mounds in the west end of the county. Altogether since the first discovery of the relics nine or ten skeletons have been excavated, several of them having been found in the pasture of the poor farm. Old settlers state that in the earlier days of this community it was nothing uncommon to find these skeletons at this location, ‘but it has been so long since they were known that the recent find created quite an amount of excitement. The skeletons  thus far found have been placed with the heads to the north, a characteristic common wherever the remains of deceased Indians have been found.”
         Donations to the Rock County Historical Society can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, 312 E. Main Street, Luverne, MN 56156.
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