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Close the gate

How often has each of us seen something happen while with another person and, much to our disappointment, we each come away from the event with a different recollection? The total effect of our life experiences creates in each of us a lens through which we observe what goes on around us. This lens focuses our attention on particular aspects of what we see. Society passes principles and values to future generations through customs, traditions and rituals that mold this lens through which we view our lives and shape our opinions. Throughout history, cultures have passed their family values to future generations by these means.I was raised with humor and that is probably why I see everything through a lens with a googlie eyeball on a spring with a big fake nose attached. Traditions pass from generation to generation, with each one adding their own special touch or enhancement. Family traditions are proven to establish and reinforce a strong sense of identity in your children. They can convey humor and yet instill qualities you value. I feel that a lot of problems with the youth of today are that families are too busy to share, continue or start traditions. Some of these customs are a creature of a different breed that you need to be in the family to understand but they are important nonetheless. Think back to a story or memory that your grandparents told you. Pass it along, no matter how trivial it may seem. That is how traditions start. There is no time like the present. On my dad’s side of the family, the Sebesta side (yes, weatherman Jerrid on KDLT is my cousin), there is a story that has passed from age to age. My children know it like the backs of their hands and I cannot wait for the day when our grandson, Gage, is old enough to recount it to him. I can remember, like it was yesterday, my Grandpa Tweed telling me this story. It is a very precious memory for me and today I would like to share it with you. Feel free to use it as you see fit. Maybe it can start a new tradition in your family.Why Dogs Sniff Other Dogs’ Tails: It seems one day, long ago, God decided to throw a party for all the dogs in the world to thank them for their loyal spirits and for being man’s best friend. God wanted this to be a nice party. He got to thinking of how dog tails have a way of wagging wildly at happy occasions and drinks could be spilled. Some of the tails were quite long and, as this was before cropping caught on, every dog had one. Also, dogs are not known for being sweet smelling. He decided that all dogs should check their tails at the door, much like how humans check their coats at a fancy party. A wall was equipped with tail hanging hooks and as the dogs came in, their tails were hung in no particular order. So this marvelous party was going on for all the canines and they were all there. Even dogs are smart enough to know that when God invites you to a party, you go.The festivity was in full swing, the music was playing, and the dogs were dancing. Everyone was having a wonderful time. All of a sudden someone came running from the kitchen and hollered ‘FIRE’! Mayhem broke out!Dogs were running everywhere! In the panic, as they all ran out the door, they each just grabbed any old tail off the wall. To this day they are looking for their own.Start a tradition today; don’t wait!Share your stories and close the gate. Story ideas or comments can be e-mailed to me at or please call me at 962-3411.

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