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Clinton Chatter

Everyone has been anxiously awaiting some warm weather so they could get outdoors and catch up on their gardening, lawns, flowers and, of course, the weeds. However, our weather has been not very cooperative. It has had one pattern, dark and cloudy, showers of rain and then the wind blows which makes it very difficult to plant garden and do the other necessary things that need doing in the spring. Monday morning we awoke to bright sunshine, the wind wasn’t blowing and the temperature was nice and warm. I have been patiently waiting for just such a day so that I could get out and catch up with all of the things that need doing outdoors. Monday morning reminded me of the old song, "Oh! What A Beautiful Morning!" It was a beautiful balmy day. Do you suppose spring is here at last?Arvin and Cena Mae Tilstra left Thursday to attend the wedding of Arvin’s niece, Shawn Tilstra, at Bryan Center, Mich., on Saturday. They returned home on Sunday evening.Last Thursday’s guests in the Melvin and JoAnn Paulsen home were Herb and Jo Roos, Sioux Center, Iowa, Dorothy Mullins from California and her niece. Dorothy and JoAnn had been classmates in school and she was also JoAnn’s bridesmaid.Vacation Bible School began on Monday at Steen Reformed Church. Their theme this year is Serengeti Trek, where kids are wild about God.Don Boeve had surgery at Luverne Community Hospital in Luverne on Wednesday. Congratulations to Valerie and Cory Meinerts on the birth of a baby boy, Daniel James, born on Wednesday, June 1. There will be a free summer ragtime concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 25, at the Steen softball field. If you haven’t heard ragtime for a long time, you will want to be there. Summer swimming lessons will be Monday, June 20, through Friday, July 1. For those wishing to participate, there are forms to fill out at H-BC schools. H-BC Summer Book of the Week Club will be from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 22 and 29 and July 6 and 13. Forms may be filled out at school if you wish to participate. Hills Friendship Days are Friday, June 10, and Saturday, June 11. These are fun days for all of the family. Plan to join them. We are living in very trying times. Every day the news is very difficult to hear. We all want to do what we can to bring peace to our world but it does take time and patience. Thinking of this, I found this article, "Faith of Our Fathers" and since we will observe Father’s Day soon, I felt it would be nice to know how much the fathers of our nation went through to provide us the security and lifestyles we all enjoy.Faith of Our Fathers"Faith of our fathers, living still, in spite of dungeon, fire, and sword."What heroic pictures parade before our imaginations as we sing these thrilling words!A tiny ship in a thundering sea as great souls dare the unknown to find a land in which they will be free to worship.Farmers at a little bridge in Concord, and a shot heard round the world; the first shot in a war to establish that men have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Washington on his knees in the snows of Valley Forge, lifting his voice in prayer for his starving freezing soldiers.Covered wagons moving across deserts, fording rushing rivers, climbing over the rugged mountain passes … valiant men and women thrusting our frontiers to the setting sun. A tall, gaunt man on the battlefield at Gettysburg, speaking immortal words "… that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."A soldier in a dimly lighted dugout in France writing a poem to challenge the spirits of men: "The Torch: Be yours to hold it high! If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep though poppies grow in Flanders Field."Faith! The power that has conquered the wilderness. That has built skyscrapers to pierce the clouds. That has dotted the land with schools and colleges and churches. That has said to all men, "Here is a free land in which you can reach for the stars!"That faith is victorious! We shall go marching on, for from farms and cities, from offices and factories, are coming the new champions of that faith. They are flying silver-winged planes in the sky. They are riding rumbling tanks. They are sailing ships. They are firing guns. They are telling the world that our way of life will go on. They are upholding the faith of their fathers!Wilferd Peterson

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