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It seems our weather remains in the same pattern so when I ran across this article about the arrival of June with summer soon beginning, it also reminded us that we are on the last leg of the first half of 2005. We all know that time does not fly, but speaking of flying it is also the first fly month!Fight the Filthy Fly Month!Do your part in supporting the fight against flies by upholding the illuminating fact that June is Cat and Kitten Month. The purpose of this occasion is to acquaint more people with the pleasure of owning a cat and to promote better cat care. You all know I am a cat lover. Perhaps you could get a cat and let him help you fight the flies?Winnie Scholten spent last Thursday and Friday in the home of her sister, Matilda Regnerus in Sioux Center, Iowa. She had been hospitalized for some time and had just returned home from the hospital. Funeral services for Leonard Bajema were on Friday at Steen Reformed Church. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family.Pastor Dan and Karen Ramaker left on Friday for Wisconsin, where they will help his mother celebrate her 90th birthday. They plan to return home the first of the week. Joyce Aykens, Worthington, and Jo Aykens, Steen, were Wednesday evening supper guests in the Vince and Laurie Kurtz home in Orange City, Iowa, to help Paul and Carole Aykens celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Those hosting the meal were Laurie Aykens and Susan Veldkamp also of Orange City. Congratulations to the happy couple!Swimming lessons will be offered through Friday, July 1. If interested, go to the H-BC School. Have you ever shopped in Steen? Now is your chance! There will be a huge rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, June 24, and Saturday, June 25, at Caroline Garvick on 410 South Main Street. Everyone is welcome. Mike Van Der Brink underwent surgery at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester and was able to return to his home again recently. Ginnie Menning from Luverne and Mildred Paulsen from Steen attended the "Morning Apart" for the Southwest District United Methodist Women, which was Tuesday morning at Slayton.The Hills-Beaver Creek Book of the Week Club will be from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday mornings, June 29, July 6 and 13.June has always been known as a romantic month. It is a month of many engagements and weddings. As time goes by we are invited to many anniversaries so thought we would take a little time to understand just what is an anniversary. This question was answered in this small definition. Hope it adds some new meaning to what we’ve been doing.What is an Anniversary?An Anniversary is a memory … A wedding corsage pressed into a treasured scrapbook — and a honeymoon. A hundred little private jokes that have more meaning with every anniversary.An Anniversary is a dream … A whispered conversation over candlelight, the silent recollection of the dream two hearts held that day; A dream that has since changed many times, and yet remains the same.An Anniversary is a promise … marking the beginning of another year of sharing, planning, hoping, building; another year of the happiness, and the fulfillment. …That is marriage.—Rey WheelerI hope this leaves us with a few new thoughts.

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