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Clinton Chatter

Where does the time go? Here we are about half through September and it seems to me it has just arrived! It is a very beautiful month. The leaves are beginning to turn, the flowers are in full bloom. Our grass is still green and our weather has been beautiful!I found this description of September in a magazine. There was no author listed so I cannot give you his name. It begins: "September’s charms — how they woo and hold us; there is so much to glory in and praise. Her peacefulness and gentleness seems to enfold us. There is magic in her golden haze. September’s beauty is a beauty of achievement; her arms are filled with golden sheaves. She counts no summer’s going as a bereavement; at the footsteps of winter, she neither trembles or grieves. Ah, September! Dahlias are flaming in September, blazing defiance of Jack Frost’s sharp breath. This is a fact I shall ever remember — beauty was present at fair summer’s death."What a wonderful description of the month of September!The Steen Senior Citizens had their September meeting on Monday, Sept. 13. It was a week late due to Labor Day and the Labor Day tournament which was in Steen. Joan Hoogeveen served the refreshments. The afternoon was spent in playing cards and other games. This is a little late but the primary election was Tuesday. I hope you didn’t forget to vote!Congratulations to Kristi Elbers and Daniel De Groff of Rochester who were united in marriage at Steen Reformed Church Saturday afternoon. The bride’s parents are Marlin and Linda Elbers of Steen and the groom’s parents are John and Barb De Groff from Yankton, S.D. The reception was at Beaver Creek Lodge near Beaver Creek. The couple plan to make their home in Rochester where they are both employed. Kathleen Esselink, who has been a patient at Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls, was able to return to her home on Tuesday. Orrin and Bernice Aukes attended the Old Time Fiddler’s concert at Lake Benton Saturday evening. The group that entertained were all from South Dakota. Our deepest sympathy goes out to our former Steen residents, Dries and Laura May Bosch, on the death of her sister, Margaret (Lynch), as we knew her, of Luverne, who passed away on Friday.Sunday afternoon Orrin and Bernice Aukes attended a program at Beaver Creek Nature Center near Brandon. This is an annual event and was very well attended. The Old Time Fiddlers presented the program which was greatly enjoyed by all. Daryl and Marie Paulsen met Daryl’s brother, Gary and his wife, Carlotte, in Minneapolis this past weekend where they attended a football game. They also enjoyed some sightseeing before returning home. The Hills-Beaver Creek students had their school pictures taken on Thursday, Sept. 9, at the Elementary School and at the High School also. I hope they turn out great!This week we either will observe Grandparents Day or will have observed it. I have had this little book here for some time titled, "Grandma Knows Best, But No One Listened!" I would like to share a few of the thoughts about grandparents and their grandchildren with all of you. Some of them will sound very familiar and others you may not have experienced as yet. It was written for grandmothers but I think it will apply equally as well with grandfathers. The book was written by Mary McBride and forwarded by Phyllis Diller. I hope you enjoy it. Grandmothers are known to say these kinds of things:"What a cute baby! She will be Miss America some day."Grandchildren also express themselves quite often and are known to say, "My Grandma always buys what I am selling!"Grandmas sometime say, "Let’s wait until tomorrow, then you will feel much better."At bedtime they know what time their cousins go to bed and they are not ready. I could go on and on with what grandmas and grandchildren say and do but what works for one doesn’t work for all! However, I need to share with you about Grandma being very busy. This point of view comes from a grandchild who says, "But my other Grandma turns off her dopey operas when I come. Other sayings: "My grandma can’t read stories, she makes them up." "My other grandma makes my birthday cakes from scratch!"Grandparents are very proud of their grandchildren and love them dearly but if you want a good laugh, just buy the book, "Grandma Knows Best, But No One Listens!"I hope you all had a Happy Grandparents Day or weekend!

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