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Clinton Chatter

Friday night Jack Frost put in his first appearance of the season and left us with a light frost. In looking at my garden I don’t think the frost was heavy enough to damage much of the remaining garden produce. In fact, most of my tomatoes were not covered and they don’t seem to have been hurt. As I looked around the yard, I could not find anything there either so I think we have lucked out for a few more days before Old Man Winter says, "Enough is enough!" and sends us the winter weather he has been keeping for us. Personally, I love the fall season. The flowers, leaves, fields, streams and trees are all at the height of their beauty and the air is just cool enough to keep you comfortable while continuing to get everything ready for winter. However, we must remember time is running out! One of these days we will find the ground white with snow. Believe me, I am not anxious for that day!Bonnie (Aukes) Skalicky and Fred Wenginger, Scottsdale, Ariz., came Wednesday, Sept. 22, to visit her parents, Orrin and Bernice Aukes, and other relatives and friends and also to attend the wedding of Erin Crawford and Michael Brandt on Saturday, Oct. 2. They returned to their home on Saturday, Oct. 9.Gary and Carlotte Paulsen, Ogden, Iowa, were Thursday noon and afternoon guests in the home of his mother, Mildred Paulsen. They enjoyed dinner together at Brandon while Mildred’s car was being serviced. In the afternoon they attended their grandson’s football game. They returned to their home that night.Henrietta Huenink attended the baptism of her great-grandson, the son of Shawn and Heather VanWyhe, at the Sunday morning service at Lester Reformed Church in Lester. They named him Jac Allen. Dinner was served following the service at the Wayne and Norma VanWyhe home. Winnie Scholten and Mildred Paulsen joined the Freedom Club in Rock Rapids, Iowa, to attend the Olde Towne Dinner Theatre in Worthing, S.D., Thursday evening. The play was titled "A Bad Year for Tomatoes."The Steen Senior Citizens had their October meeting on Monday afternoon at the Steen Community Building. Cornie and Darlene Bosch, Luverne, served the lunch Mildred Paulsen and Lee Alexander, Luverne, left Friday morning for Park Rapids where they attended the Minnesota Conference United Methodist Women annual meeting which was in recognition of 135 years of service as United Methodist women. They returned home Saturday evening. Orrin and Bernice Aukes attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Erin Crawford, daughter of Mary and Clair Crawford of Beaver Creek, on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the park in Brandon. The reception was at the Brandon Country Club. Winnie Scholten and Clint Patten attended a wedding for a friend Saturday afternoon at the Walton League near Brandon. Raising a family has always been a very difficult task. No two children are alike. I found this article titled, "A Child’s Bill of Rights" and liked what I read so decided to share it with you. And I quote: "Parents have been bombarded with advice and criticism on bringing up their children until many of them are sick of the subject. They are said to give too many privileges and rights. They are said to give too much privilege and indulgence and too little discipline. Some people say American children are just plain spoiled. However, there is a world of difference between privileges and rights. Observing a child’s rights builds up his self-respect and respect of others. If a child is treated with integrity in his own home with courtesy and consideration, these are the standards toward which he will grow. Following are 10 articles titled ‘A Child’s Bill of Rights.’oHis right to have his confidence kept when he has given it in faith.oHis personal pride in being given common courtesy.oHis right to have his questions and opinions treated seriously.oHis right to reasonable freedom in the selection of friends. oHis right to his own possessions. oHis right to mental and physical privacy.oHis right to have his choice respected when he has been asked to make one. oHis right to a promise being kept.oHis right to share in family joys and sorrows.oHis right to firm guidance in matters he is too inexperienced to figure out himself." These are the 10 suggestions to help you as you are leading and guiding your children toward a secure and happy future. Good luck!

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