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Our weather has been cooperating with our farmers who are frantically working to get their crops out of the fields before winter puts in his appearance. It seems our biggest problem of late has been the extremely high winds which are with us nearly every day. Saturday was especially bad. I know we need winds to dry the crops as well as the fields to complete the harvest. However, I think it would be nice to have a little time off so we could enjoy the beautiful autumn days before winter’s chill sets in and we have to get out the snow shovels. Fall seems to be the season of the year when we have enough free time to enjoy all of the activities that are available to us. I know the pheasant season has opened. I am not sure if it still is, but sooner or later the deer season will arrive. The World Series began this past weekend. I can remember when the World Series was being played, all other activities were put on hold until it was over. However, reality is getting its share of publicity this year. Some say rural America is a dull place to live. Wrong! I don’t know how we could be involved in anything more! Our National Election will be here in just a few days and Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday. That leaves us with many things to think about but please … don’t forget to vote!Marlin and Linda Elbers and their daughters, Stacy and Sonya, attended Parents’ Day at a college in Duluth this weekend. Their son Jeremy is a student there.Joyce and Jo Aykens and Mildred Keunen were guests in the home of Jo’s son and daughter-in-law, Paul and Carole Aykens, Orange City, Iowa, on Saturday. Paul and Carole’s family were all home and they celebrated Jo’s birthday together there. Happy Birthday to her!Ken Bos underwent corrective eye surgery on Wednesday. Hope all goes well for him. Pastor Dan and wife Karen left Sunday afternoon for Wisconsin where they will officiate at a relative’s wedding. The Rev. Bert Den Herder will fill the pulpit in Steen Reformed Church this coming Sunday in his absence. Orrin and Bernice Aukes attended the Harvest Festival at Minnesota Veterans Home in Luverne Sunday evening. It began with an evening dinner for all of the residents and their guests and relatives. This was followed by a program which was presented by a couple from Windom who played instruments and sang for their guests. They inspired some of those attending to dance! What a nice thing to have happen! Needless to say, a good time was had by all.Pastor Dan and Karen Ramaker of Steen Reformed Church hosted their annual parish dinner for those of the congregation who are widows or widowers and others of the congregation who are alone. The pastor and his wife provide the meal as well as the evening. What a wonderful thing to do! There were 32 in attendance. Henrietta Huenink, Winnie Scholten and Joan Hoogeveen attended the Christian Women’s monthly meeting at United Methodist Church in Rock Rapids Wednesday noon. A program followed the luncheon. Mildred Paulsen was one of those attending the dinner in honor of former and present Rock County’s Outstanding Citizens on Friday at the Senior Center in Luverne. The Steen Opportunity Extension Club had their October meeting Tuesday evening at the Winnie Scholten home. Program for the evening was a travelogue given by Melba Boeve who recently returned from a trip to Thailand. Lunch was served by Henrietta Boeve. I thought the below article was so appropriate for the times.The True AmericanBy Verl A. TeeterThe TRUE AMERICAN believes in liberty, justice, equal opportunity, and the dignity of man. He also believes that the government is the servant of the people, not their master. He realizes that freedom can destroy us if we do not know how to use it.The true American is proud of America; proud that he is a citizen of a Republic. He realizes that American citizenship is a great privilege and a priceless treasure. He understands that both entail certain responsibilities on the part of each individual. The true American protects and upholds the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and our American form of government. He helps preserve the conditions that made America great. The true American believes in the free enterprise system and in the ownership of private property. The true American is a law-abiding citizen. He obeys and respects the laws of his community, state, and nation. He is informed on national affairs so that he may vote intelligently and use his rights of citizenship wisely. He casts his vote in all elections and votes for what he believes to be the best for his country. He helps to elect honest, capable and patriotic public officials.The true American speaks out against evil and corruption in his community, state and nation and wages a fight against crime and immorality. The true American is tolerant. He respects the convictions of others, their property rights and properly constituted authority. The true American has self-respect. He takes pride in supporting himself and his family. He is thrifty. He avoids extravagance and lives within his income. He meets his obligations and pays his bills promptly. He is industrious. He enjoys his work and believes that all honorable work is dignified and necessary, and that there is no substitute for honest toil. The true American is broadminded and humane. His heart and hand go out to help the needy and the helpless. The true American helps keep our educational, religious and political institutions free from communism and its propaganda.

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