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Clinton chatter

Sunday morning blew in with very strong and very cold winds which had been predicted. I for one did not appreciate them. They continued to blow all of Sunday and Monday morning. However, they were predicting the temperatures would be warming up, and believe me, I am ready for that. With the wind that strong my house felt like I had forgotten to shut the windows, so I checked but no, they were closed! The winds were so cold even the leaves were huddled up against my deck and they also flew into my garage to get out of the cold wind. I had just cleaned my deck so I really didn’t appreciate their coming. I’m hoping they will leave soon with the wind so I won’t have to sweep them up again. All I could think about was this old poem that I learned many years ago. It began with, "The north wind doth blow, and we shall have snow and what will the poor robin do then?" I don’t think the robins need to worry as I think they have gone to other winter homes. At this time the wind is still blowing and who knows what the weatherman has in store for us this time of year. We just have to hope for the best! The Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary School Council and peer helpers will hold a roller skating party on Friday, Dec. 17, at the elementary gym. Those attending are to bring their own skates. If anyone has an extra pair of skates that are not being used, bring them also. Admission will be $1 per student. Orrin and Bernice Aukes and Mildred Paulsen joined the Friendship Club from United Methodist Church in Luverne Sunday noon for their Christmas dinner at Luverne Pizza Ranch. Their club meeting followed at the church. Melba Boeve, Betty Elbers, Carol Hoogeveen and Doris Blom joined a tour group that took them to Omaha, Neb., on Friday where they attended a concert by the Gaithers Friday evening. They returned home on Saturday. Mildred Keunen, Mary Jo Suzie and her mother, Millie Richals, Joyce and Jo Aykens attended the Singing Christmas Tree Concert at First Assembly of God Church in Sioux Falls on Saturday. Sunday afternoon guests in the Orrin Aukes home helped Orin to celebrate his birthday. Guests were Brian and Dan and Amy Fopma, Lisa Telford and daughter, Taylor Telford, all from Sioux Falls, and Jeff Aukes and friend Sheila Sarutski.The Little Patriot Academy will present their preschool Christmas program at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20, at the elementary school. The public is invited to attend.There was a Psalm and Hymn Sing at Tuff Home in Hills on Wednesday. Those taking part from Steen were Mildred Keunen, Malena Boeve and Jo Aykens.Steen Reformed Church will present their Sunday School Christmas program a 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 19, at the church. Everyone is welcome.Christmas is rapidly approaching! There will be no school Dec. 23 through Jan. 2. There will be an early dismissal on Wednesday, Dec. 22. School will resume on Jan. 3. Happy Holidays to all of the students, teachers, custodians and office personnel.Christmas is definitely in the air. Streets and homes are all beautifully decorated with lights and other things such as nativity scenes and, of course, Santa Claus. Christmas music fills the air. For a better description I am going to share with you these words about "Christmas Magic" written by Sylvia J. Green."Christmas Magic fills the air,With people shopping everywhere. With holiday songs being sung, And tinseled trees neatly strung. This and the scene of Bethlehem, Have People singing ‘Amen.’ For in a manger meek and mild, Lies a little babe, mankind’s child; A gift sent from the Father above, Teaching us His meaning of loveO’er all the world this scene takes place.No matter what religion or race,For be it Santa or the son of man,A Holy Merry Christmas is His plan.

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