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City continues regional marketing efforts

By Sara QuamThe Luverne Economic Development Authority voted Tuesday to continue its efforts to market the Job Opportunity Building Zones tax breaks for businesses.The Eau Claire, Wis., newspaper has done a series of articles on Minnesota’s program that is attracting businesses to the state from Wisconsin.The LEDA discussed the benefits of piggy-backing on that concept, further explaining JOBZ to businesses in that area."They’ve laid the groundwork; we just have to follow up," said City Administrator Greg La Fond.LEDA member Larry Wills said he wondered if constituents would question the amount of money being spent outside the community.LEDA member Esther Frakes said, "We can’t advertise to people who already know Luverne, though."Some of the interest in JOBZ near Eau Claire is due to a controversy involving Menards headquarters. The company is considering relocating because wetland issues on its current property are preventing expansion.The half-page newspaper ad will cost $2,600.More marketing The KELO-TV advertising campaign that is billing Luverne as a place to visit, shop, live, work and own a business might be on the air as early as mid-April. Producers from the Sioux Falls station were in Luverne Tuesday to outline the ads.The city last week approved up to $20,000 for the ads in 2005. The city will probably pay less than that, considering businesses may sponsor portions of the commercials to offset costs.

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