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What if everyone read the Bible?

Built on a Rock
Pastor Bob Junak, Rock River Community Church, Luverne

Have you ever wondered what would happen if everyone read the Bible every day? Probably not.

Just imagine how much the community of Luverne could be changed simply by reading the Bible. However, there is a common trait so many people share. The trait is, most of us live the way we’ve always lived. See, we’ve created habits, we’ve created patterns, and we’ve created structure in our lives that doesn’t seem to change much.

I understand that everyone’s life routine is slightly different. However, every once in a while, we should take a step back and look at our habits, our patterns and the structures we’ve created and ask ourselves these questions: How could reading the Bible change my life? How could our lives be different? How could the most important relationship, which is Jesus, change our lives?

How could our decision-making process change? What kind of choices would we make if we read the Bible every single day? And how could those decisions and choices change the outcome of our lives?

I recently read that only 11 percent of Americans read the Bible every day. However, even though most Americans still say that the Bible contains truth and is worth knowing, the research indicates otherwise. What makes this trend scary is the research revealed the younger a person is, the less they read the Bible, which only leads to less understanding about God and the Christian faith.

That’s why we as adults must be an example to our kids and youth, teaching them to read and know scripture. Whether we are young, middle-aged or old geezers, we all need the Word of God daily, which comes by simply reading it.

I mean, if you don’t know the Bible, you can’t live out what it says. If you have no knowledge of it, then you cannot be transformed by it. Yes, it’s true that the Bible informs us, but its real purpose is to transform us.

When we read the Bible, we can’t read it like we read any other book. We have to understand that it’s more than just ink on paper or a series of fonts formed to make words. It’s God’s words!

Here is what the writer of Psalm 119:105 has to say about God’s Word: Psalms 119:105 (NIV) “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Now, did you notice how the psalmist begins this verse? He starts out by saying, “Your word.”

This is God’s word, it’s not man’s word. These are God’s thought’s, not man’s thoughts. It’s a gift and it’s a gift from God. God’s Word was meant to do more than just inform us, it was meant to transform our lives.

Do you have a question about a decision you have to make? Do you need perspective on your life?

Do you need to know how to treat your wife or your husband or your kids or just people? Do you need encouragement? Listen! All the answers are found … where? In the Bible. Everything you need to know is in it. It’s life’s rule book!

If everyone read the Bible, there would be a lot more light in this dark world. And this dark world needs more light. Grab it, open it, read it and live it.

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