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We offer our best

Built on a Rock
Pastor Ann Zastrow, Grace Lutheran Church, Luverne

This weekend is the Rock County Fair. It is a time of fun and family activities, a time for people to bring things for judging, things like cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, fruit, vegetables, baked goods, arts and crafts, sewing, needlecraft, presentations, photography, examples of wood and metal work, and so much more!
The things that people bring are the best of their best, things that they hope will win a ribbon or a prize, and perhaps even advance to the State Fair! Men and women, and children of all ages (well, kindergarten and above) put forth their best effort and proudly show off what they have produced.
When I go to a fair, whether it be a county fair or the State Fair, I always enjoy going to the 4-H and creative arts areas, and the animal barns. There you see the fruits of the entrants’ labors, the best that they have to offer.
County fairs give children, youth, and adults a chance to try something new or perfect a skill they’ve been working on. Especially in the 4-H program, feedback and coaching are given to allow the entrants to improve and do even better next time.
God expects our best. In fact, in Leviticus 22:20, God says: You shall not offer anything that has a blemish, for it will not be acceptable in your behalf.”
God wants our best, not something that is okay, or passable, but our very best.
One person’s best is not necessarily the same level as another person’s best. God does not compare us to each other but considers each of us individually – just as personalized constructive feedback is given at 4-H judging, so the entrant can continue to improve their skill.
Some may be experts in one area, such as showing an animal, cooking, baking or preserving food, or creating something to wear or decorate a home, but completely without talent in another area. And that’s okay! But whatever you do, do your best.
So, take time this weekend to take in the Rock County Fair. See the animals, exhibits, and demonstrations. Marvel over others’ talents. Enjoy time with your family and friends. Ride the rides on the midway, watch or participate in competitions, eat good food and listen to good music, and enjoy God’s creativity in creation, and in how God has gifted people with creativity. And always do your best with whatever you set your hand to.

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