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Speaking the truth

Built on a Rock
Pastor Phil Booe, St. John Lutheran Church, Luverne

Today our culture has an estranged relationship with the truth. Mankind’s highest pursuit used to be seeking truth at all costs. Faith, science and philosophy were once kindred spirits chasing this same goal but from different approaches.
In the Middle Ages, theology was considered the queen of the sciences. God's revelation in the Scriptures provided the foundation upon which all other scientific discoveries could be built. It was the sovereign power that ruled over all scholarship.
In the course of time, a great revolt occurred. Humans usurped the authority belonging to God and His word, and made reason, feelings and personal experience their queen. As a result, truth was no longer measured against God's will but against mankind’s most sinful desire: to be one’s own god. This divorce of theology from science did not begin in our lifetime, but we now live with the consequences.
For instance, many people believe that marriage is no longer just for a man and a woman, as God designed it. Marital divorce is so commonplace that people accept it as an inevitability in half of all marriages. Unborn children, the godly gift that flows from marriage, continue to be aborted at alarming rates, even as states other than our own seek to protect these vulnerable humans.
Troubled souls are being taught to question and deny the truth of their biological sex. Children are subjected to mutilating surgeries in an attempt to "reassign" their sex. Minnesota now touts itself as a sanctuary for anyone who wants to defy the laws of their own state and undergo such life-altering surgery here.
Men dress as women, not for a laugh but as a lifestyle, and insist on having young children as their audience. Meanwhile, some parents bring their children to these shows to demonstrate just how progressive they are.
Even some so-called Christian churches, who have long discarded the parts of the Bible they no longer agree with, proudly wave the rainbow flag of this new religion which seems more focused on embracing every new deviancy than seeking the truth of God. To say this is a Satanic attack is an understatement. The accuser delights in tempting us to follow our own divergent desires and prideful proclivities.
How should the Christian respond? First, in prayer and repentance for our own sins. It is important to recognize that none of us are without sin and we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). When we speak the truth to others, we do so as fellow sinners who share the will of God, “who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
Second, we must speak in love. As followers of Christ and with consciences bound to the Scriptures, we are obligated to stand up for what’s true out of our love for fellow sinners who need to hear the truth. As Jesus said, “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father.” (John 14:21) And, “we love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:9)
Thus, following God’s will, we both reject the ideologies of the present age while also pointing all people to Jesus who said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

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