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Chosen and precious

Built on a rock
Lead Summary
Martha Fick, Good Samaritan – Mission Effectiveness

“You yourselves, like living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5 ESV 
Ole asked Lars to help him do some shingling. Working together on the garage roof, Ole noticed that Lars was throwing away about half of the nails.
"Vhat are you doing, Lars?" shouted Ole. "Are you throwing dose nails avay?"
"Yah, sure, you betcha," said Lars, "ve cannot use dose nails. Dey haf got de heads on de wrong end."
"Lars, der is nothing wrong vith dose nails. Yust tink about it," said Ole. "Dose are de nails for de other side of de roof."
We're all different. Like snowflakes, God created each of us to be uniquely ourselves. Even identical twins have characteristics that are distinctively their own. Not only are we all different, we all have distinctly different gifts and talents. Some people sing, others don't. Some are architects, parents, lawyers, farmers, teachers … The list goes on and on, but the one thing that we all have in common is that we were created for the purpose of loving God. He has a beautiful plan for our lives and wants to use us and the gifts He has given us to build His kingdom.
Dear Lord, You have made each of us uniquely beautiful. Sometimes we don't know where we fit, but You do. We trust You to build us into Your kingdom, knowing that sometimes it won't be quite what we expect. Please continue to remind us that we are important because we are Yours. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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