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Are you floating with the current?

Built on a Rock
Pastor Walt Moser, First Baptist Church, Luverne

As you read this, my wife, Beryl, and I will be in kayaks, floating down the White River in Arkansas. We will start at the tail waters of Beaver Dam and mosey downstream, enjoying the beauty along the way.
All the descriptions I have read say you can sit back and enjoy the beauty as the current pushes you downstream. The only paddling needed is for course corrections. I am looking forward to what I believe will be a very peaceful day.
I find that sometimes our spiritual life is much like floating down the river. We want to enjoy the goodness of God and the joy of God’s hand of protection, but we expect it to just come to us without any work or effort on our part. Like floating on a “spiritual kayak.”
The supreme object of the life of every man and woman should be to know Christ more and to make Him known. That doesn’t happen by just floating though the Bible, only paying attention to the beautiful accounts and skipping the parts that are hard work or sound like hard work. 
Christian life often feels like you are paddling upstream, fighting the current all the way. In a way, that is true because Christ-like living goes against the flow of culture.  The current of today’s culture will push you downstream into rapids of sin, knocking you against every rock, log and/or sand bar.  The current is so strong you fail to see the beauty around you because you are just trying to survive.
In paddling the “kayak of spiritual life,” there are five things that will let you see the beauty of the Christ as you go against the flow of culture. 
First, you must believe the Bible is true, without error. Jesus has the words of eternal life. (John 6:68.) 
Second, study is required to know the complete truths of God and not just the parts that are exciting. Apollos, in Acts, said that we need to be “mighty in the Scriptures.” Study is the only way to be mighty.
Third, honor what God says. Proverbs says true beauty has come down out of heaven from God – His precious Word, which is more valuable than gold or jewels. 
Fourth, love it. “O how I love your law! It is my mediation all day,” wrote the Psalmist. We spend time with what we love. We find time to cherish what we love. How much time are you spending in the Bible?
Fifth, obey what the Bible says. It is one thing to know what it says, but even greater to obey what it says. 
Paddle your “spiritual kayak” upstream for the glory of God and you will be amazed at the beauty you see. Float in the culture current and the scenery will soon turn dingy and cold.

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