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Board gives land for cell tower

By Sara QuamRock County Commissioners gave approval Tuesday to convey land to either Beaver Creek Township or the city of Beaver Creek in order to get a Midwest Wireless cell phone tower in the dead zone along Interstate 90.Midwest Wireless wants to construct a new tower, but was denied its first request because of zoning issues with the city of Beaver Creek.A different location, on land owned by the county, could help the problem. The city of Beaver Creek will still have to approve a conditional use permit for the tower before it can be erected.The county’s only stipulations in donating the land are that the land be used for the tower and that the tower include a repeater for law enforcement communications. Along with those conditions, Hills-Beaver Creek School wants to reserve space for telecommunication equipment. County Administrator Kyle Oldre said, "They’re trying to meet a number of needs."Representatives of the county, school, city and township met with Midwest Wireless last week.The county gave approval for donating the land to either the township or city, depending on which government body wants it and can work with Midwest Wireless. The county doesn’t want to retain ownership of the land because in order to allow a tower on it, any company could bid and Midwest Wireless has an established need. Disaster drillPublic Health is going through a pandemic flu vaccinating drill the afternoon of Thursday, June 15, at the Luverne Armory.The drill will involve vaccinating about 2,000 people, which is the number of "essential" personnel who need to be protected at the onset of a real outbreak.Kyle Oldre is the county emergency management director and acting director of Public Health until a new one is hired. He said, "There’s going to be snags; we’re going to find things we have to change. That’s why we do the drills."The formula has six tables set up to vaccinate 120 people per hour. The drill will help healthcare personnel see procedures that have to be followed or monitored. Others will watch for organizational methods that work well. Parking, for example, has to be directed.

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