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Bits by Betty

Clock on National Bank of LuverneThe following appeared in the Rock County Herald on July 28, 1916: (The bank referred to was in the former building at the site of the present City Hall location.)THE CHIMESLord, through this hour Be Thou our guide,So, by Thy power,No foot shall slide.Everyone who has lived within sound of the Bells of Westminster is familiar with the verse given above. The origin of the carillon has never been positively established. Some writers accredit it to a Mr. Crouch, who was a pupil of Dr. Randall, Regius Professor of Music. This, however, is disputed by other writers who accredit it to Dr. Randall’s conception of the idea taken from a movement in the fifth bar of the opening of Haendel’s Symphony, "I know that my Redeemer liveth." The Chimes were first fitted to the Clock of University church, St. Mary’s the Great, in Cambridge, but were not copied until they were reproduced on a very large scale in the Victoria Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament.As a home institution serving the people of this locality — enjoying your good will and business favors, we have in the past endeavored to show our appreciation by presenting our patrons with calendars and novelties and otherwise recognizing your co-operation in making this a serviceable and successful banking house.Years of prosperous banking have been made possible only by your support. We wanted to show our appreciation in a substantial way and have therefore purchased of the manufacturers, the McClintock-Loomis Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, including the exclusive rights for this city, a large handsome clock combined with a set of the softest and most beautiful chimes ever heard in any city of the old or new world.At the quarter, half and three-quarter hour, these Chimes will ring out in various musical combinations; at quarter past the hour, four strokes — Westminster; at half past the hour, eight strokes — Reveille; at three quarters past the hour, twelve strokes — Cathedral peal; and on the hour 16 strokes — Westminster, followed by the striking of the full hour, in a clear, vibrant tone.May we hope that the Chimes will mean something to all of our people — that they will have a message for the youngster on his way to school; a thought for the business man who hustles through his day; a solace for the old.Every day of the week the chimes will be sounding their message — the note of warning spoken in time; the chime of rejoicing; the lament in time of sorrow. This chime will be all things to all men for it is going to belong not to us alone, but to men and women and children of our community.Donations to the Rock County Historical Endowment Fund can be sent to the Rock County Historical Society, P.O. Box 741, Luverne, MN 56156.Mann welcomes correspondence sent to

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