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Agderlag brings
Norwegians together

To the Editor:

Another big day for us (Norwegians!) is just on the horizon. On Sept. 16 we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the AGDERLAG. We were organized in Minneapolis in 1925, with the first actual meeting at Luverne for three days in June 1926. Since then the lag has met in various places throughout the Midwest - including Chicago - until the past few conventions when the Blue Mound Inn has become the ideal and favorite place.

Do the initials "H.T.T." mean anything? If you've seen them on Agderlag posters and read between the initials, you've read "HOME TOWN TALENT." Four academics with area roots will be at the 6 p.m. banquet at the Inn. All are descendants of Norwegian immigrants. At 1:30 p.m. a Main Street businessman from Luverne will both speak and sing. Of course we'll have a "kaffe" time and "goodies!"

We are humbly proud that the southern part of Norway, which encompasses the Agder area much like our Tri-State area, has produced many prominent names including Hubert H. Humphrey and Federal Judge Sigurd Anderson. My sister, Lily Tofteland Hartmann, introduced me to the word, JANTELOVEN, and what it means: the modesty of being Norwegian. Lily's research discovered that the word did not emerge until 1936; there are 10 laws of JANTE. Norwegian culture and genealogical interest has sustained the Agderlag for 75 years, as well as many other lags. All who are interested are invited to attend the banquet and/or the afternoon program at the Inn, 2 miles north of Luverne on Highway 75. (A Norwegian I.D. is NOT necessary!) Tickets are available at Renfro Variety or call at 507-283-4205; Torleif Thompson at 283-8977; Ralph Sunde at 283-9407; and other Norwegians in the area. Come and enjoy lefsa, rommegr¯t, krumkaker, and a roast beef dinner with us on Saturday, Sept. 16.

Rosa Tofteland Johnson

Secretary for Agderlaget


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